Purple Hairstreak Favonius quercus

Male. Upper surface of forewing just showing as all purple. (It is sitting on the back of my hand).
Male. Upper surface of forewing just showing as all purple. (It is sitting on the back of my hand).
The female's upper forewing has a patch of purple
The female's upper forewing has a patch of purple
Female underside
Female underside
Egg laid next to an oak bud
Egg laid next to an oak bud
Pupa, normally hidden in ground litter
Pupa, normally hidden in ground litter

Red List status: Least Concern
NERC Act S41: Not listed
Local status: Common but under-recorded. (Map probably doesn't reflect complete distribution).
Potentially found anywhere there are mature Oak trees.
Size: Small.
Larval foodplant: Oak.
No. of broods: One.
Flight time(s): Late June to mid August
Average first date: 28th June
Average last date: 16th August
Winter: Egg.
Habits: Spend most of their lives around the tops of mature trees, especially Oak and Ash, where they flit around the canopy, especially of an evening, when they can be active up to about 8pm. When viewed through binoculars they may been seen sunbathing with wings open, displaying the purple upper surfaces. (Males are completely purple on upper surfaces, females partly). As they pupate in ground litter one opportunity to view at close quarters may be when they are emerging below oaks in early July. Females often lay on terminal oak buds that are low on the tree, so eggs can be sought there and their egg-laying behviour witnessed.
Habitats: Mature Oak woodland, and clusters of large Oaks. Also visit Ash and Elm, looking for honeydew to feed upon.